Limited Liability Company Sladich Kuban produces jams, fruit fillings, cream fillings, poppy seed fillings, condensed milk, fruit and vegetable fillings, thick spreads, fruit and vegetable purees, and confectionery gels under the SLADICH brand.
The products are made for the bakery, confectionery and other food industries.
The company cooperates with both regional distributors and end users.
The distinctive feature of Sladich Kuban LLC is a high-quality raw material base, which is known to be the core of production of any competitive product.
Learn more about the company
Production of products using advanced high-tech Italian equipment
The computer process control system guarantees consistently high quality of the finished product

Qualified personnel
A team of specialists with many years of experience, focused on the professional implementation of the organization's standards

Individual approach to the client
Based on the technological taste needs of manufacturers, we develop individual recipes

Technology support
Our technologists are always ready to advise customers online, as well as to make a visit to the enterprise for conducting trial baking and launching products into production